Thursday, May 20, 2021

Peloponnesian war essay

Peloponnesian war essay

peloponnesian war essay

27/2/ · The Peloponnesian War was a war between two leading city- states in ancient Greece, Athens and Sparta which lasted from bce. The fighting took over the entire Greek world and it was judge by Thucydides, this was the war was considered to be among the world’s finest work of history and the most significant was up to that time The Peloponnesian war is still widely studied in the history of Western Civilization. It was the second war that lasted between BC and BC. Athens and her empires (Spartans) engaged each other fiercely in the war. The main catalyst of the war was intense conflict that had dominated Athens and Sparta Peloponnesian War Essay The Peloponnesian War was a Greek conflict fought by the Peloponnesian League, led by Sparta, and the Athenian Empire. The war lasted 27 years, from to b.c.e., with a six-year truce in the middle, and ended with an Athenian blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins

Essay on Peloponnesian War - Words | Bartleby

The Peloponnesian War was a Greek conflict fought by the Peloponnesian League, led by Sparta, and the Athenian Empire. The war lasted 27 years, from to b. The war involved much of the Mediterranean world, and large-scale campaigns and intense fighting took place from the coast of Asia Minor to Sicily and from the Hellespont and Thrace to Rhodes. The conflict is often viewed as an archetypal case of warfare between a commercial democracy and an agricultural aristocracy and of warfare between maritime and continental superpowers, peloponnesian war essay.

Thucydides, an Athenian general and historian, documented the events of the conflict in his History of the Peloponnesian War. It was, consequently, the first war in history to be recorded by an eyewitness and talented historian. Historians posit multiple causes for the Peloponnesian War. This perspective is supported by the well-documented rise and power of Athens in the 50 years prior to the outbreak of the war. After a coalition of Greek cities, which included both Athens and Sparta, defeated a Persian invasion of Greece, several of these states formed a more formal coalition called the Delian League in b.

The purpose of the league was to enhance economic ties and establish a navy to deter further Persian aggression. Through a series of political maneuvers by Athens in the decades following the creation of the league, the coalition was transformed into an Athenian-dominated empire.

After b. the Athenian leader Pericles began consolidating Athenian resources and expanded the Athenian navy to such an extent that its power peloponnesian war essay without equal in Greece. In b. Athenian naval dominance allowed them to control virtually all sea trade, which threatened the supply of food from Sicily to cities in the Peloponnese, including Sparta. It was on these grounds that Corinth demanded that Sparta take up arms against the Athenian empire.

The actual outbreak of fighting in b. The city of Potidaea, a subject member of the Athenian empire, revolted in the spring of b, peloponnesian war essay. The rebel city held out until the winter of b. and its blockade by Athens meant a constant drain on Athenian naval and military resources, peloponnesian war essay. Pericles urged his people to refuse, and Sparta declared war.

Hostilities began in b. Now capable of invading Attica through the Megarid, Sparta did so numerous times through b. Peloponnesian war essay only curtailed these attacks when Athens captured a number of Spartan hoplites and held peloponnesian war essay hostage. and the failed Mytilenean revolt in b, peloponnesian war essay. This included establishing bases on the Peloponnesian coast.

and that of the Athenian demagogue Cleon led to the conclusion of a temporary peace. At the Battle of Mantineia in b. the Spartans were victorious. Athens sent an expedition to Sicily, where he served as peloponnesian war essay of three commanders. Historians believe it was either a preemptive strike to prevent Syracuse from conquering the island and providing military aid to the Spartan-led coalition in the Peloponnese, or simply to bolster a long-held Athenian interest in the island.

Regardless, the expedition ended in disaster in b. Peloponnesian war essay the siege Alcibiades was recalled to Athens to face charges of sacrilege but fled to Sparta rather than stand trial. In the meantime, mainland Greece had once more slipped into open warfare. The Athenians raided the Peloponnese, while the Spartans invaded Attica in b. and seized a strategically important base at Decelea in the foothills north of Athens, peloponnesian war essay.

However, the loss of so many Athenian ships and trained crews in Sicily changed the nature of the war. The Spartans understood that the way to defeat Athens at sea was to win control of the Hellespont and Propontis, thus choking off essential supplies to the struggling city.

By b. the conflict became increasingly focused on that area of Greece. Athens was hampered by internal problems, culminating in the overthrow of the democracy in June b. The oligarchs who seized power were unable to reconcile the Athenian fleet at Samos to their rule, and in September they were overthrown. Initially, only a limited form of democracy was restored, but the victory near Cyzicus in b. led peloponnesian war essay the restoration of the old system.

Alcibiades returned to Athens by way of Persia, and was elected once again as commander of the Athenian forces. He arrived in time to take part in the victory off Abydos and another peloponnesian war essay Cyzicus the subsequent year. Following additional success in the north, such as the recovery of Byzantium in b.

and was awarded supreme command of the Athenian navy on the west coast of Asia Minor. The furious Athenians dismissed Alcibiades, who fled to Thrace. Lysander ultimately achieved a victory at Aegospotami in b. As a result, while Athens valiantly held out until the spring of b. Ultimately, despite some daring strategies, the Peloponnesian War was a war of resources. The Spartans were victorious because Persian gold enabled them to build more ships and to purchase more mercenaries than Athens could.

However, Sparta also understood from the outset that Athens, as a maritime power that depended on port trade, would have to be defeated at sea.

Conversely, the Athenians do not appear to have understood that Sparta, as a land power, could only be defeated on land. This example Peloponnesian War Essay is published for educational and informational purposes only, peloponnesian war essay. If you peloponnesian war essay a custom essay or research paper on this topic please use our writing services.

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Peloponnesian War

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Essay On Peloponnesian War - Words | Bartleby

peloponnesian war essay

27/2/ · The Peloponnesian War was a war between two leading city- states in ancient Greece, Athens and Sparta which lasted from bce. The fighting took over the entire Greek world and it was judge by Thucydides, this was the war was considered to be among the world’s finest work of history and the most significant was up to that time Peloponnesian War Essay The Peloponnesian War was a Greek conflict fought by the Peloponnesian League, led by Sparta, and the Athenian Empire. The war lasted 27 years, from to b.c.e., with a six-year truce in the middle, and ended with an Athenian blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins The Peloponnesian War Essay. Words6 Pages. The Peloponnesian war (– BC) was an ancient Greek war fought by Athens against the Peloponnesian led by Sparta. Thucydides famously claims that the war started “because the Spartans were afraid of further growth of Athenian power, seeing as they did have the greater part of Hellas was under the

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