Thursday, May 20, 2021

My best friend short essay

My best friend short essay

my best friend short essay

Short Essay on My Best Friend. Friendship is very important for everyone, especially me. During my studying from elementary school to university, I have lots of friends. Among those, there are a few friends who are my best friends. Now I would like to describe one of my best friends whose name is Petou. The first reason I consider him as my best Estimated Reading Time: 2 mins 24/12/ · My Best Friend Essay 6 ( words) I have a best friend ever in my life named Ashutosh. He is someone special in my life who helps me in my every difficulty. He is someone who showed me right path. He always has time for me even in his busy schedule. He is my neighbour that’s why we become together even after school blogger.comted Reading Time: 8 mins Essay on My Best Friend ( Words) Essay on My Best Friend in Words. Introduction: We all have friends and there are few friends are really close to our heart. Most of the time, we address them as a best friend. I have a best friend in my life too. Today I will share my feeling and everything about blogger.comted Reading Time: 6 mins

Essay on My Best Friend for Children and Students

My best friend is someone who always stays by my side and never turns his back on me. We study in the same class and share almost same opinion on most of the issues. My best friend always supports me in studies and gives me emotional support also. Whenever I feel low or get upset, he comes for my help. Fortunately, our houses are also not very far from each other and we manage to meet my best friend short essay evening walk or post dinner walk.

Gradually our relationship has become more evolved and deep. I think that we will stay best friends for the rest of our lives. The essays have been written in simple yet effective English to let you easily memorize it and present it when needed, my best friend short essay. After going through the essay you will know what is a best friend, how important is a best friend, how does a best friend helps us in life and in studies etc.

My best friend is Archana from the school time. We are good friends from the childhood and still continue. She is a smart girl having fair complexion and dimpled cheeks. She is a pretty girl, I like so much her. I still remember that we were met in our kindergarten class and became great friends forever. She is very entertaining, jolly and helpful in nature. She understands me a lot and become always ready to help me in my all bad or happy conditions.

We are classmates and become together every time. We go to the school everyday together and play sports daily in the nearby ground of our house. It is very tough for everyone to be involved in the true friendship however if one get it become very lucky in a big crowd.

It is a divine and most precious gift of the life. Getting true friend is rare and counted as a big achievement of the life. I am as lucky as I have a good friend from my childhood. His name is Naveen and he is still with me. He is very valuable for me and I value his friendship a lot.

Really, he is my best and true friend. We both are in class 7 and studying well. My best friend is very lovely in nature and loved by everyone such as my parents, my class teacher, my neighbours, etc.

He is one of the ideal students of my class. He is very punctual and come to the school at right time. He always completes his home task timely and regularly as well as helps me too. He keeps his books and copies very clean. His writing is very nice and he promotes me to write well too. My best friend is someone special whom I can share my all feelings. He is Raghav. He lives with me as my neighbour in the same colony.

We met each other in the nursery class on the very first day. We sit together in the classroom and share everything very happily without any problem. He is leadership in nature, tall, fair in complexion, good looking and smart.

She is very good in studies and behaves well with everyone. He does his class work and homework very attentively. He is favourite student of class teacher as he is very punctual and follows all the etiquettes.

We share our Tiffin in the lunch time. He respects my feelings and helps me always. Many things of us like hobbies, likes, my best friend short essay, dislikes, etc are similar. We love to listen music, watching cartoons and my best friend short essay carom at home. We take care of each other in the school and playground. We share school copies and help each other whenever one of us remain absent in the school.

We love drawing sceneries and arts in our spare time. We go at tour and picnic with our parents together in every winter and summer vacation, my best friend short essay. The name of my best friend is Jyoti. She is my good friend and cares for me a lot, my best friend short essay.

She behaves me well and helps always. I met her in class 6 and became best friend. She is my true friend because she understands me very well and cares for my every need. I like her very much. I never had any friend like her ever before. She comes to my home and I too go to her home. Our parents respects us very much and like our friendship.

She is so precious for me and I never want to lose her. Whenever I get absent in the classroom, she helps me in doing all the left home works and class works. She is much similar to me in many aspects. She never argues me and describes me well anything which I get stuck. She is an open minded girl and never feels bad for my misbehave. She is very entertaining my best friend short essay nature and makes me laugh through her interesting jokes and talks in the spare time.

She is very cute and attractive, attracts everyone through her smile and nice way of talk. She promotes me always to do better in the classroom and exams. We are good in sports and academic activities. She takes my opinions in her every tough work to do in the right way. We manage to share things in our difficult times. We always perform better in the class tests and main exams. I have lots of friends from my childhood but Rushi is my best friend forever, my best friend short essay.

She lives in the apartment adjacent to my house with her parents. She is a nice girl my best friend short essay helping in nature. True friendship is very necessary my best friend short essay all of us to go ahead and get right track in the life. Getting best and true friends in the life is very tough task however some luckiest one get it. She is the first person among my all friends whom I can share my all feeling. She is very good in nature and helps everyone.

She is a class monitor and loved by all teachers of the class. She performed well the sports and academic activities. She has good personality and love to help needy people. She is very friendly in nature to everyone and meets warmly. She thinks positively and motivates us all time. She talks very politely and never quarrels to me and others.

She never tells lie and has good manners. She is very funny person and loves to tell us funny stories and jokes whenever we become sad. She is a compassionate friend and always cares for me.

She has ability to do anything hard in her life and I always appreciate her for each small and big achievements. She is a popular student of the school because she is good in academic, sports and other extra activities, my best friend short essay.

She always gets high score in the class tests and main exams. She explains any subjective matter in very easy way during exam time. She has good observation power and skill. She catches everything very fast whenever teacher explains in the classroom. She plays football very well and has taken part in many school level and district level competitions and won prizes too. I have a best friend ever in my life named Ashutosh.

He is someone special in my life who helps me in my every difficulty. He is someone who showed me right path. He always has time for me even in his busy schedule. We go together at picnic whenever we get vacation from school. We go to see Ramlila fair in the Ramlila ground together and enjoy a lot.

Essay or Write up or short notes on topic \

, time: 8:02

Short Essay on My Best Friend

my best friend short essay

words short essay on My Best Friend. A good friend is a gift of God. He is a great boon. The world is gloomy in the absence of a true friend. A true friend always stands by his friend whether he is in distress or in pleasure. He is honest, sincere and always helping to his friend. Such a friend is indeed rare in today’s world when qualities Estimated Reading Time: 2 mins 11/2/ · Short and Long Paragraphs on My Best Friend Paragraph 1 - Words. My best friend's name is Aditya. He is my classmate and we sit together in the class. We eat our lunch together in the recess. We help each other in studies and exchange notes when needed. We also know each other's families very blogger.comted Reading Time: 5 mins 7/12/ · Short Essay on My Best Friend of Words. The nearest and most exceptional individual in your life is the individual you call your best friend. We share nearly everything with our best friend. Best friends uphold genuinely. Understanding is a basic piece of being a best friend to somebody. Regardless of whether you are glad or pitiful

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